[Insight-users] Problem buidling with ITK

조봉수 hinice11 at naver.com
Fri Mar 26 12:58:21 EDT 2010



I downloaded ITK and extracted the files.


Using CMake, I did generate, 


And put ‘make’ ‘make install’ successfully.


Finally I got the folder ‘bin’


After that I moved into the folder, ‘Example’, then I try to put ‘make’


But it gave me the message, 


Error : iktIamge.h: No such file or directory and a lot of errors.


I don’t know the reason because in the folder

There is file.


Do I need to set up other things?


If you have installation guide doing with example please help me.





Jo, Bong Su

Tel) 010-9366-5313

Life is too short not to be fun.


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