[Insight-users] canny level set segmentation

Jesse Stokum jessestokum at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 21:51:31 EDT 2010


I've been trying to use the CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter which
has been met with limited success. Firstly, does anyone have
suggestions for parameters to pick out fine vasculature - the vessels
in my segmentation are somewhat "bubbly" or "chunky" rather than
snakelike. I'm running 300 iterations of this level set after a
threshold segmentation.

Secondly, the output from this filter (I've been using the code from
the examples by the way) seems to be a speed image when visualized
with itk snap; It's not a simple binary back/foreground image. Does
someone know what I'm looking at? This is the image from calling
GetOutput(). Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.


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