[Insight-users] Distance map computation on an empty image

Andriy Fedorov fedorov at bwh.harvard.edu
Fri May 7 16:28:40 EDT 2010


I am processing a binary image once slice at a time, and calculate
distance transform on each slice. Naturally, some of the slices are
empty, which brought me to this problem which I describe next.

If I use Danielsson filter to compute a distance map of the image that
is empty (all pixels are 0), I get a non-zero image, with values
increasing from the image corner (see the result image screenshot
here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3770904/dt_result_screenshot.png)

If I use Maurer filter, I get all values assigned to -INF.

The code (ITK examples) with the input images, which allows to
reproduce this result, can be downloaded here:

Is this a bug?

Andrey Fedorov

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