[Insight-users] Curve/Surface representation and operations

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 12:13:16 EDT 2011

>> I found PolyLineParametricPath as an example, but that is only for two dimensions (see: http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/Curves/PolyLineParametricPath).

PolyLineParametricPath is templated, as is almost everything in ITK.

Simply change

 typedef itk::PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > PathType;


 typedef itk::PolyLineParametricPath< 3 > PathType;

to obtain a 3D path.

itkMesh and itkQuadEdgeMesh are ITK's discrete surface
representations. There is also an itkSurfaceSpatialObject, but I never
have good luck with SpatialObject classes.


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