[Insight-users] Need help: How to iterate though Analyze Datasets

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 14:02:00 EDT 2011

Hi Alex,

Welcome to ITK!

You can find some getting started material here:

Regarding your specific question about iterating over each slice, you
probably want the itk::SliceBySliceImageFilter.

See here:
and here:

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Dan

On 13 August 2011 17:11,  <Alexandra.Derntl at gmx.at> wrote:
> Hello ITK-Users!
> I’m new to ITK and I’m looking for an Slice Iterator, where I can work with Analyze (img, hdr) Datasets. The Datasets itself are in 3D,  however I want to extract each 2D image (in a loop) to perform for example a thresholdfilter on them, or filters to minimize artefacts. After that, I want to write a new file with the modified data.
> Is this possible? Are there any suitable tutorials in the web? I tried the examples in the ITK Guide, unfortunetly they don’t work for me.
>  Thank you for your time!
> Alex
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