[Insight-users] "Geodesic" distance on a binary image?

wanlin wanlinzhu at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 07:56:28 EST 2011

Hi, David,
        What about a itkFastMarchingImageFilter with mask image(removing
background). Define one pixel in white as the initial trial point. The level
set value of another pixel is the geodesic distance?



On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 11:26 PM, David Doria <daviddoria at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have an image consisting of a black background and white foreground
> pixels. I want to know the shortest distance from one white pixel to another
> white pixel on a path constrained to only touch white pixels.
> As an example, if the image is of the outline of a circle, the distance
> from a point on the circle to a point directly across the diameter should be
> half of the circumference, rather than the diameter.
> Is there something built in to do this?
> Thanks,
> David
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