[Insight-users] How resize 3D DICOM data set?

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 15:08:23 EST 2011

I just revived some old code I had that resamples dicom series.

It's on the wiki:


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Bc. Michal Srna <michal at srna.info> wrote:
> Hello I can read/write 3D dicom studies via ITK. I use my own registration
> code, so I only read 3D data set via ITK, copy pixel values into my 3D array
> and than I perform my registration process and via itk::ImportFilter I
> import the result into the ITK pipeline to writing it into DICOM file.
> But what I need - I need to resize 512 x 512 x 78 data set to size 256 x 256
> x 39 before copying pixel values in my 3D array.
> Could you please help me, what function of ITK use for this purpose? I tried
> itk::ResampleImageFilter but it only cropped my data set or filled it with
> bars, what I don't want. I need it to resize in way like for example photo
> editors do it.
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> --
> S pozdravem Bc. Michal Srna
> Fotografické portfolio:
> http://michalsrna.cz
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