[Insight-users] Write 2d dicom series

Alberto bertorey at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 10:50:18 EST 2011

Hi all,

I use itk::ImageFileReader and GDCMImageIO to read the slices , then, after
preprocessing I write this slice with itk::ImageFileWriter copying the dicom
header of the initial image to mantain the spacing and the inital positions.
But with this method when I open the image with a dicom viewer the slices
are not ordered as if the header was changed during the writer process.

How can I write a series of 2d dicom files but inside a loop mantaining the
information header ? I.e. :

for(all the files of a series){
 Read a single slice();
 Make a preprocess of this slice();
 Write the slice();

Thank you in advance.
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