[Insight-users] apply deformation field to a point

John Drozd john.drozd at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 00:01:30 EDT 2011


I iterate over an image, to find an index of the point that I wish to
transform via the deformation field.  I then use itk's
TransformIndextoPhysicalPoint and apply a transform with the deformation
field to map the point.

I hope this helps you.

take care,

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Marta Peroni <m.peroni at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I wonder if any of you knows a simply way to apply a generic vector field
> to a point.
> To have more insight in this:
> I generate an artificial deformation by means of gaussians (i.e. the final
> vector field is a composition of 3 gaussians)
> I have a point in physical coordinates (A) and its correspondent point (B)
> on the final image (extracted via SIFT algorithm)
> I want to transform A and check that is "close enough" to B.
> The "easiest" way I thought about is the following:
> 1) read point and vector field in
> 2) reconstruct the transform by means of interpulation ---> I mean
> basically I would need to interpulate the vector field for example with
> Bsplines because my points can be anywhere
> 3) derive the corresponding vector that has to be applied on the point A
> 4) distance from B
> I'm using itk 3.20 on win/linux :) and I would really appreciate any help
> :)
> thanks
> Marta
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John Drozd
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Robarts Research Institute
The University of Western Ontario
London, ON, Canada
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