[Insight-users] add two images

robert tamburo robert.tamburo at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 10:20:44 EDT 2011

If your segmented object is black and black means zero-valued, then you're
adding zero to the original image.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:14 AM, john smith <mkitkinsightuser at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to read two png images (one is already saved in memory and the other
> I get it from a dialog box of Qt).The first is the result of the
> segmentation (black for the segmented object) and the second is the original
> image. I use AddImage filter as it can be seen from the foloowing code but I
> do not get the right result. Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Is it correct to use two readers?
>  ReaderType::Pointer reader1 = ReaderType::New();
>   ReaderType::Pointer reader2 = ReaderType::New();
>   reader1->SetFileName(fileName.toStdString());
>   reader2->SetFileName("result.png");
>   reader1->Update();
>   reader2->Update();
>   typedef itk::AddImageFilter<
>             InternalImageType,
>             InternalImageType,
>             OutputImageType > AddFilterType;
>     AddFilterType::Pointer addFilter = AddFilterType::New();
>     addFilter->SetInput1( reader1->GetOutput() );
>     addFilter->SetInput2( reader2->GetOutput() );
>     try
>     {
>     addFilter->Update();
>     }
>     catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err )
>     {
>     std::cout << "ExceptionObject caught !" << std::endl;
>     std::cout << err << std::endl;
>     }
>     WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
>     writer->SetInput( addFilter->GetOutput() );
>     writer->SetFileName( "addImage.png" );
>     writer->Update();
> 2011/6/29 robert tamburo <robert.tamburo at gmail.com>
>> itkAddImageFilter
>> Alternatively, itkLabelOverlayImageFilter will allow you to overlay your
>> segmentation on the original image.
>> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 3:17 AM, john smith <mkitkinsightuser at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello to all,
>>> I am working in an application in order to segment an object. Well, I
>>> have managed to get the segmented contour of my object. But now I want to
>>> display this result over my initial image. Do you know how I could add two
>>> images?
>>> Thanks in advance
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