[Insight-users] Display and process 2d imagewith itk and fltk

┭定格Ⅱ╃ jerry5612897 at foxmail.com
Tue May 24 22:16:13 EDT 2011

Hi Luis:

I found that GLSliceView class could display both 3D and 2D images. Now I want to regist some 3D and 2D images and display them and also the result image even the difference image. I had looked at the example imageregtool, but it can only run for 3d image because the dimension in the imagetype was defined as 3, how to improve it for 2d image?

Thanks a lot and wait for your reply!
 Hi Jerry,

The GLSliceView.h class will work for both 3D and 2D images.

Please look at the code in


That's where we up the FLTK GUI together
with the GLSliceView class.


2011/5/20 ┭定格Ⅱ╃ <jerry5612897 at foxmail.com>:
> Hi all:
>     Now I can display a 3d image in fltk use the class like GLSliceView in
> ITKAPPLICATION\Auxiliary\FltkImageViewer, but which class  can display a 2d
> image? I find that fltkimage2dviewer can only display a 2d image without has
> some method to set its height, width, style and so on...It doesn't like a
> GUI,who can tell me a 2d display class like GLSliceView? Thanks !!!
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