[Insight-users] help in FLTK/InsightApplication CMake config

Ryan Guan ryan.guan at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 17:39:35 EST 2011

Dear ITKers,

Please help to look at what's wrong with my CMake setting when I tried to build InsightApplication 3.20.0 with FLTK 1.3.0.

IDE: Windows 7, VS2008.

FLTK was built successfully using CMake and VS2008 in Debug mode at C:/Project/fltk-1.3.0 (the binary directory for FLTK CMake), 
and was installed to C:/Program Files (x86)/FLTK.
FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE = C:/Program Files (x86)/FLTK/bin/fluid.exe

FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR              = C:/Program Files (x86)/FLTK/include
The C:/Program Files (x86)/FLTK/libcontains fltkimagesd.lib fltkd.lib etc.

I was not sure what FLTK_DIR I should define for InsightApplication (build in Debug mode too), so I tried 

<1> C:/Program Files (x86)/FLTK, can configure,
>but build-error in VS: fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'fltk_images.lib'. 
>build command requires fltk_images.lib fltk_jpeg.lib fltk_png.lib fltk_zlib.lib...
><2> so I instead tried C:/Program Files (x86)/FLTK/CMake, as inspired by an earlier post. 
>but the configure can't complete because it can't load CMakeCache.txt.
>I copied CMakeCache.txt from C:/Project/fltk-1.3.0 over, can configure.
>build error in VS: fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'fltk_zlib.lib'
>build command requires differently this time: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FLTK\lib\fltkimagesd.lib" "C:\Program Files (x86)\FLTK\lib\fltkjpegd.lib" "C:\Program Files (x86)\FLTK\lib\fltkpng.lib" fltk_zlib.lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\FLTK\lib\fltkd.lib" ...
>Seems that it get all right with the debug library except zlib!
<3>  At last I tried C:/Project/fltk-1.3.0, the same error and command line as <1>.

<2> seems to be more correct as it might read settings in FLTKLibraries-debug.cmake in C:/Program Files (x86)/FLTK/CMake so that it get the lib files correct, but why only fltk_z is not correct?

Hope someone can enlighten me here that what's wrong and what else might be wrong in my settings? 

Many many thanks!

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