[Insight-users] itk 4.1 VS2008 python 2.6 x64

Matthias Seise mseise at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 15:44:54 EDT 2012

Hi Martin,

I managed somehow to build them for python 2.7 x64 with VS2008 Express.

I also tried it for ages and don't remember exactly how I solved it. Now 
I'm using SimpleITK since I didn't manage to build the 
numpy-connector(PYBuffer) for ITK.

But maybe I have some pointers:

1. USE the simpleITK-superbuild process to get the correct versions of 
gccxml & swig

2. build ITK from simpleITK/ITK-build, turn on "WrapITK" (or similar) 
and use the "external SWIG" and "external gccxml" option and point them 
to the SimpleITK dirtectories

3. I think the major problem was gccxml - you have to pass the argument 
-D"_HAS_TR1=0" to gccxml (see 
http://www.gccxml.org/pipermail/gccxml/2009-January/001253.html). For 
that you have to find the CMakeList.txt where the gccxml arguments are 

I think that were the major points.

Good luck!


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 14:23:28 +0200
From: Martin Dulovits <martin.dulovits at woogieworks.at>
Subject: [Insight-users] itk 4.1 VS2008 python 2.6 x64
To: insight-users at itk.org
Message-ID: <4F7D8EC0.2090604 at woogieworks.at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I am trying to build itk 4.1 VS2008 python 2.6 x64 windows with python
bindings for the last few day but failed completely.
So my question would be is it possible at all ? Has anybody succeeded to
build with this configuration ? Especially the python bindings ?
Sometimes the dll built, but the wrappers always failed.
Should I choose an older version to work with Studio 2008 ?

thx for any help


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