[Insight-users] Problem with ITK 4.0 x64 in mex file

Kent Williams nkwmailinglists at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 10:26:06 EDT 2012


On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Kent Ogden <ogdenk at upstate.edu> wrote:
> Looks like I have solved the problem.  I needed to re-compile ITK with the
> 'shared libraries' option un-checked.  I think I misunderstood what that
> option is for, can someone explain what this does?
> Kent
>>>> "Kent Ogden" <ogdenk at upstate.edu> 4/5/2012 02:27 PM >>>
> Hi,
> I am wondering if someone might have a clue about a problem I'm having.
>  I've been using ITK 4.0 successfully in a Matlab mex function for doing
> non-rigid registration (using the demons algorithm).  This has all been 32
> bit, using VS2008 and 32 bit Matlab on Win 7 (x64 Windows though).  In
> trying to convert over to 64 bit in the hopes of increased performance, I
> can:
> -Successfully compile ITK for x64 (shared libraries)
> -Successfully compile my mex function for x64
> But, Matlab x64 no longer likes the result, telling me that it isn't a valid
> win32 application.  My mex function works fine until I add in the ITK code
> and link those libraries, so it seems clear that it's something that the ITK
> libraries are bringing along that Matlab doesn't like.
> Any thoughts or suggestions?  I think I will try compiling ITK to dll's to
> see if that makes a difference, but maybe someone has some idea about this?
> Kent
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