[Insight-users] WrapITK in ITK4

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon Apr 16 09:32:36 EDT 2012

Hi Tobias,

> I'm a bit uncertain about the state of WrapITK in ITK4.
> Building any external projects like PyBuffer (from
> Wrapping/ExternalProjects) or the example in the wiki
> (http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Release_4/Wrapping/BuildProcess) does not work
> any more. The wiki example also uses deprecated macros.

WrapITK has had even more improvements and tighter integration with
ITKv4 since that page was last updated.  You will notice that most
modules now have a 'wrapping' directory in addition to their 'test'
and 'include' and 'src' directories.  This directory contains the
wrapping rules for the module.
> Is wrapping with WrapITK still the way to go or should one have a look at
> SimpleITK?
> If WrapITK will still be supported in the future, does everything have to be
> an ITK module or are external projects still an option.

WrapITK will certainly be supported in the future.  Using WrapITK or
SimpleITK wrapping are both valid approaches to accessing ITK in a
high level language.  The choice of interface depends on your needs
and preferences.  WrapITK provides an interface that shadows the ITK
API, including the ability/burden (depending on your point of view),
to specify the template parameters.  There is better coverage, and
correspondence with the C++ is very good.  On the other hand,
SimpleITK has a simpler interface without the need to specify template
parameters.  The amount of code required to do the same operation in
SimpleITK is smaller.  The interface depends on your preferences and
needs at the time.  In the future, we hope to improve the ability to
go back and forth between the two.

> The attachment contains PyBuffer as ITK module that works with ITK4.

Outstanding!  I think this approach is the way to go.  Are you hosting
this code in a repository?


> Best Regards,
> Tobias
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