[Insight-users] WrapITK in ITK4

Tobias Maier tobias.maier at unibas.ch
Mon Apr 16 08:22:49 EDT 2012


I'm a bit uncertain about the state of WrapITK in ITK4.
Building any external projects like PyBuffer (from 
Wrapping/ExternalProjects) or the example in the wiki 
(http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Release_4/Wrapping/BuildProcess) does not 
work any more. The wiki example also uses deprecated macros.

Is wrapping with WrapITK still the way to go or should one have a look 
at SimpleITK?
If WrapITK will still be supported in the future, does everything have 
to be an ITK module or are external projects still an option.

The attachment contains PyBuffer as ITK module that works with ITK4.

Best Regards,
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