[Insight-users] ImportError: No module named ITKMetricsv4Python

Mathieu Stumpf mathieu.stumpf at etu.unistra.fr
Fri Apr 20 02:59:23 EDT 2012


Just to be sure it's not just my compilation/installation which is
wrong, could someone tell me if she can successfully run
${itk-src}/Examples/IO/DicomSliceRead.py with ITK ?

I use itk version 4.1.0. If you can run the script under an other
version, please let me know, hopefully I'll manage to install it and go
on in my work.

Kind regards,

Le mercredi 18 avril 2012 à 13:02 +0200, Mathieu Stumpf a écrit :
> Hello,
> Having to open a 4D image, I can't use SimpleITK which doesn't support
> it yet (I get the error : Images of Vector Pixel types currently are not
> supported).
> So I turn back to ITK and its included python wrapper. So I looked in
> the nice Examples to see how to open some files, but I'm not able to run
> a simple example :
>         ~/src/itk-git/ITK/Examples$ python IO/DicomSliceRead.py 
>         Traceback (most recent call last):
>           File "IO/DicomSliceRead.py", line 24, in <module>
>             from InsightToolkit import *
>           File "/usr/local/lib/ITK-4.1/Python/InsightToolkit.py", line 75, in <module>
>             from ITKMetricsv4Python import *
>         ImportError: No module named ITKMetricsv4Python
> What's wrong, the only installed ITKMetrics file I found in my
> installation directory was :
>         /usr/local/lib/cmake/ITK-4.1/Modules/ITKMetricsv4.cmake
> ITK was already compiled and installed with the python wrapper, so I
> don't see what eventual step I messed.
> Kind regards,
> mathieu
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