[Insight-users] ITK 4.1.0 Build problems with JOM

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Fri Apr 20 16:07:31 EDT 2012

Hello Rupert,

Could you please report this issue into the ITK issue tracker:



On Apr 20, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Rupert Brooks wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to use itk 4.1.0 using Visual Studio 2005, in 32 bit.  The
> IDE is very unstable (read, unusuable) due to the number of projects
> that are created, a problem thats been noted here before.  To work
> around this, i started using JOM, which is a multithreaded NMake
> clone.  It seems to build faster anyway.
> ITK4.1.0 builds fine with JOM, however, I cant link any projects
> against it.  They fail to find some libraries, because the name of the
> library set by the FindITK Cmake process is incorrect.
> This seems to be because the ITKTargets.cmake has errors.
> Specifically, when building with JOM, there are no entries in the
> ITKTargets.cmake corresponding to some, but not all of the ITK
> Libraries.  These entries are necessary because they tag the -4.1
> extension on the name of the library. So with JOM, some get put in,
> and some dont.
> I find it particularly strange how all the libraries get passed
> through correctly for Visual Studio, but only some do for JOM.  If
> they all failed to pass through it would be easier to understand.
> I am having trouble parsing the maze of CMake commands that actually
> ends up setting this filename to determine what is the difference
> between the modules that work and those that dont.  I dont mind
> debugging more if somebody could give me a pointer where to look.
> The list of ITK Libraries follows.  As you can see - some but not all
> get put into the ITKTargets.cmake.  Those that dont end up with just
> the lib name.
> Cheers,
> Rupert
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itksys-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkvnl_algo-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkvnl-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkv3p_netlib-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\ITKCommon-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkNetlibSlatec-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\ITKStatistics-4.1.lib
> ITKIOImageBase.lib
> ITKIOBioRad.lib
> itkopenjpeg.lib
> itkzlib.lib
> gdcmDICT.lib
> gdcmMSFF.lib
> itkjpeg.lib
> itktiff.lib
> ITKMetaIO.lib
> ITKIOMeta.lib
> ITKznz.lib
> ITKniftiio.lib
> ITKNrrdIO.lib
> itkpng.lib
> ITKIOStimulate.lib
> ITKMesh.lib
> ITKSpatialObjects.lib
> ITKPath.lib
> ITKLabelMap.lib
> ITKQuadEdgeMesh.lib
> ITKOptimizers.lib
> ITKPolynomials.lib
> ITKBiasCorrection.lib
> ITKBioCell.lib
> ITKFFT.lib
> ITKDICOMParser.lib
> ITKIOSpatialObjects.lib
> ITKFEM.lib
> ITKIOSiemens.lib
> ITKKLMRegionGrowing.lib
> ITKVTK.lib
> ITKWatersheds.lib
> ITKDeprecated.lib
> ITKgiftiio.lib
> ITKIOMesh.lib
> itkhdf5_cpp.lib
> itkhdf5.lib
> ITKIOTransformBase.lib
> ITKIOTransformHDF5.lib
> ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy.lib
> ITKIOTransformMatlab.lib
> ITKOptimizersv4.lib
> ITKReview.lib
> ITKVideoCore.lib
> ITKVideoIO.lib
> ITKVideoBridgeOpenCV.lib
> ws2_32.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\ITKVNLInstantiation-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkv3p_lsqr-4.1.lib
> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkvcl-4.1.lib
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Rupert Brooks
> rupert.brooks at gmail.com
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Bradley Lowekamp  
Medical Science and Computing for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine 
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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