[Insight-users] I have the problem in executing the dilation code , can any one help ?

Raviteja, Allaparthi Allaparthi.Raviteja at philips.com
Fri Aug 17 04:56:36 EDT 2012


I get the following errors when I try to run the following code in command window

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "itkImage.h"
#include "itkImageFileReader.h"
#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
#include "itkBinaryBallStructuringElement.h"
#include "itkBinaryDilateImageFilter.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if( argc < 4 )
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << std::endl;
    std::cerr << argv[0] << " <inputImage> <outputImage> <radius>";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  typedef unsigned char PixelType;
  const unsigned int Dimension = 2;

  typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension >    ImageType;
  typedef itk::ImageFileReader< ImageType >     ReaderType;
  ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
  reader->SetFileName( argv[1] );

  typedef itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement< PixelType, Dimension > StructuringElementType;
  StructuringElementType structuringElement;
  structuringElement.SetRadius( atoi( argv[3] ) );

  typedef itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter< ImageType, ImageType, StructuringElementType > BinaryDilateImageFilterType;

  BinaryDilateImageFilterType::Pointer dilateFilter = BinaryDilateImageFilterType::New();
  dilateFilter->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
  dilateFilter->SetKernel( structuringElement );

  typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType > WriterType;
  WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
  writer->SetInput( dilateFilter->GetOutput() );
  writer->SetFileName( argv[2] );

  catch( itk::ExceptionObject & e )
    std::cerr << "Error: " << e << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

itk::ImageFileWriterException (0046ED04)
Location: "void __thiscall itk::ImageFileWriter<class itk::Image<unsigned char,2> >::Write(void)"
File: d:\itk\insighttoolkit-4.1.0\modules\io\imagebase\include\itkimagefilewriter.hxx
Line: 152
Description:  Could not create IO object for file D:\dilatedoutput.jpg
  Tried to create one of the following:
  You probably failed to set a file suffix, or
    set the suffix to an unsupported type.

I am using InsightToolkit-4.1.0 with Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7. How do I resolve these errors?

Thank you.

Ravi Teja

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