[Insight-users] geodesic mesh processing with ITK

Chiara Caborni chiara.caborni at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 06:28:50 EDT 2012

Hi ITK users,

 I'm looking for a Fast Marching propagation on 3D meshes, with a
velocity field proportional to a scalar field representing a feature
of the mesh (e.g. curvature).
Is there some ITK class that deals with this?
I've found itkFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase that requires as main inputs:
- a mesh (I have a triangulated one, a vtk 3D surface model)
- a speed function set using the method SetInput().
- alive points (the ones to start the propagation)

I've not found any example on how to use the class.. could someone
point one to me?

Is this the right ITK class to use? Or is there anything better for
this purpose?

Looking for a suggestion,
thank you for any help.




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