[Insight-users] geodesic mesh processing with ITK

Arnaud Gelas arnaudgelas at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 08:42:32 EDT 2012

Hi Chiara,

You can have a look at



On 08/20/2012 12:28 PM, Chiara Caborni wrote:
> Hi ITK users,
>   I'm looking for a Fast Marching propagation on 3D meshes, with a
> velocity field proportional to a scalar field representing a feature
> of the mesh (e.g. curvature).
> Is there some ITK class that deals with this?
> I've found itkFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase that requires as main inputs:
> - a mesh (I have a triangulated one, a vtk 3D surface model)
> - a speed function set using the method SetInput().
> - alive points (the ones to start the propagation)
> I've not found any example on how to use the class.. could someone
> point one to me?
> Is this the right ITK class to use? Or is there anything better for
> this purpose?
> Looking for a suggestion,
> thank you for any help.
> Regards
> Chiara

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