[Insight-users] Desperation: performing itkfilters on a subset (e.g. slice) on a 3D Image

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 11:35:17 EDT 2012

> Thank you very much for your fast support! So now I know I'm on the right
> way by using ExtractImageFilter and  PasteImageFilter. However, when I set
> m_size[plane] = 1 in extract2DImageSlice() I'm jumping out of range. Maybe
> my code example is a little bit confusing, do you have an useful example, I
> ask google several times but it didn't find one.

I take that back. It looks like you were correct with m_size[plane] =
0. I was trying to find an example in my code that did a 2d extraction
but my first few were 3d. I found 1 in my code and it does use 0.


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