[Insight-users] Serious problem with BSpline Registration
Dr. Tim Allman
dr.tim.allman at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 14:41:18 EST 2012
Interesting. I just tried this on the Mac and it gives the same results
as on the dashboard. The picture is correct too. Note however the lines:
Optimizer stop condition = LBFGSOptimizer: Failure
This seems contradictory.
I'll continue work with one thread.
On 12-12-11 02:01 PM, Bill Lorensen wrote:
> Looks like a thread issue. Try this:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, there seems to be something strange.
>> The nightly linux dashboard is clean and that example runs as expected.
>> http://open.cdash.org/testDetails.php?test=169660112&build=2707835
>> I just built my own version on linux and it builds and produces the
>> proper results.
>> I'll try my Mac build later.
>> I'll also try a Superbuild version.
>> Bill
>> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Dr. Tim Allman
>> <dr.tim.allman at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am trying to do 2D BSpline based registrations but with little success. It
>>> appears that there is a problem inside ITK which is demonstrated by the
>>> ITKWikiExample "Registration/ImageRegistrationMethodBSpline.cxx". I get the
>>> same results when I compile on Linux and OSX, 32 or 64 bits. The default
>>> Superbuild exhibits the same behaviour.
>>> The first thing I noticed is that the example does not give the result
>>> presented on the web page
>>> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/Registration/ImageRegistrationMethodBSpline.
>>> Further, small adjustments to the optimizer parameters make wild changes to
>>> the appearance of the image.
>>> If the tests are run, the following results:
>>> The following tests FAILED:
>>> 1 - CheckPagesForImages (Failed)
>>> 171 - Registration-ImageRegistrationMethodBSpline (Failed)
>>> 235 - Statistics-KdTreeBasedKMeansClustering_1D (SEGFAULT)
>>> 236 - Statistics-KdTreeBasedKMeansClustering_3D (SEGFAULT)
>>> Errors while running CTest
>>> Any help in this would be much appreciated.
>>> --
>>> Tim Allman, Ph.D.
>>> 35 Margaret Street,
>>> Guelph Ontario N1E 5R6
>>> Canada
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>> --
>> Unpaid intern in BillsBasement at noware dot com
Tim Allman, Ph.D.
35 Margaret Street,
Guelph Ontario N1E 5R6
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