[Insight-users] more efficient way to set pixels than SetPixel() and GetPixel() from RGBImage

cagatay bilgin bilgincc at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 21:52:26 EST 2012

Hi Daniel,

You would want to use iterators instead of SetPixel
and GetPixel. Chapter 11 of the itk manual explains
how to use them. Also, a simple example is given here



On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:19 PM, <danieljohnsonusa at netscape.net> wrote:

> I'm developing an application using itk libraries where I need to set
> Pixels in regions of a 3D MRI image.  I started by building an application
> that based off of RGBImage where I use the SetPixel command from the itk
> libraries, but I noticed in the code that there is a comment stating that
> SetPixel()}and GetPixel() are inefficient and should only be used for
> debugging purposes.  However, I've looked at a few other examples and have
> had a hard time finding the portion of the code where pixels are set.  For
> example, I've been studying the DiscreteGaussianImageFilter in the itk
> libraries but I've had a hard time finding the part of the code where
> individual pixels are set.  I would greatly appreciate if someone could
> help explain to me where in the code for filters like the
> DiscreteGaussianImageFilter that individual pixels are set so I can find a
> more efficient way than the SetPixel and GetPixel functions from RGBImage.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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