[Insight-users] ITK 4.1 Release Candidate 3 ready for testing!

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon Feb 20 13:50:26 EST 2012

The ITK 4.1 release candidate 3 has been tagged, and is available for
testing.  To obtain the source code,

 git clone http://itk.org/ITK.git
 cd ITK
 git checkout -q --detach v4.1rc03

For more details, please see


*Important note:*  Please do not expect backward compatibility with
these release candidates.  The API may still undergo changes as
improvements are made.

A release candidate 4 will be tagging this Friday following bug fixes
this week.  The final release for 4.1 is scheduled for next week.

Testing and feedback are encouraged.  Impressions or patches will help
improve the result as refinement and bug-fixes are made for the final

Please include the tag name used when providing feedback.

A list of changes since RC 2 follows:

Arnaud Gelas (2):
      ENH: Make use of types defined in Histogram to be able to handle
64 bit images
      ENH: Use types from itk::Histogram

Brad King (1):
      BUG: Fix ITK prepare-commit-msg hook for non-GNU sed

Bradley Lowekamp (1):
      BUG: Restoring adaptor support to SmoothingRecursiveGaussian

Gang Song (2):
      ENH: Clean up the Normalized Cross Correlation in Metricv4
      ENH: add test for validating image gradients in metricv4

ITK Migration V4 (1):
      DOC: Modify IntensityWindowingImageFilter comments.

Marius Staring (1):
      PERF: Switched order of if-statement and for-loop in

Matthew McCormick (2):
      DOC: Fix typo in DifferenceImageFilter migration guide.
      COMP: Fix HDF5 build with Windows NMake JOM generator.

Michael Stauffer (2):
      BUG: itkSimpleImageRegistrationTest - still more debug changes
      BUG: ImageToImageMetricv4 - concept check for integer image

Richard Beare (2):
      ENH: Masking option for histogram thresholding
      BUG: Errors from dashboard

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