[Insight-users] itkv4 does not generate 'ITKAlgorithms.lib'?

Li Zhi-Cheng zc.li at siat.ac.cn
Thu Jan 5 02:48:11 EST 2012

Hi All,


I used ITKv4 in my project. According to the new instruction, in the
cmakelists for my project I used TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( ProjectName
${ITK_LIBRARIES}) instead of the old manner, i.e. adding each library
(ITKBasicFilters, ITKCommon,..) manually. However, the project did not build
correctly. The error info is:


LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'ITKAlgorithms.lib'


I searched the library directory of itkv4, but found no ITKAlgorithms.lib. I
didn't know where is it?


Thank you!


Best regards,


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