[Insight-users] One Question about the 3D image orientation

Yang Gao yang.gao at utah.edu
Wed Jan 18 18:28:44 EST 2012

I am new to ITK. I have a question about the 3D image orientation. ITK suppose a lot of common image format. I want to rearrange the 3D image to the consistent orientation like "RAI" or "LPS" for common image format, like nrrd, meta, analysis, gipl and so on. I found there is a itkOrientImageFilter build in ITK. From the doxygen help page, it has two methods, one is deprecated and using SetGivenCoordinateOrientation, the other one is using the direction of cosines of image and don't need to set the given original orientation. The second method doesn't work for gipl image. I have already tested that if I know the given orientation of original image, and by using SetGivenCoordinateOrientation and SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation, I could transform it to desired orientation. But my question is that, how could I get the original orientation information of 3D images by using ITK currently existed IO? Or is there other good way to achieve the goal that keep the consistent orientation for all 3D images?
Any help is appreciated and best wishes,Yang 		 	   		  
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