[Insight-users] ConnectedComponentImageFilter: wiki example

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 07:28:20 EST 2012

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 3:50 AM, Chr. Rossmanith
<cr at neuro.ma.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> the ConnectedComponentImageFilter suffers from some copy&paste remainders.
> E.g.
> project(MedianImageFilter)   <-- CMakeLists.txt | we are demonstrating
> ConnectedComponents not a MedianFilter
> // Add the sphere to the left and the cube to the right    <-- .cxx | there
> is no sphere in the code only in the comment...
> I've polished the example and modified it to use QuickView but now it
> displays the test image flipped upside down. That might be just a matter of
> the origin and shouldn't be an obstacle for updating the example in the
> wiki?
> Christina Rossmanith



You were right about the copy/paste error in the CMakeLists.txt macro
- I updated it.

Please go ahead and update the example with your quickview version. I
think you just need to change

quickView.AddImage(TImage *)


quickView.AddImage(TImage *, true)

to flip the image.


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