[Insight-users] benchmark-computation time

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 10:37:27 EDT 2012

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:35 AM, amir_k <kacakici at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have just wrote the same question in the VTK forum, but the subject
> deserves an adequate place in this forum as well.
> I've been running the watershed filter since few days now. At first, I
> thought my filter was not working (i.e pipeline lost connection -
> uninitialized data passing at the filter) but it does finally. It just takes
> soo long time to execute the program. Here are my two cases:
> 1)  DICOM images ( 512x512x10) with not so-detailed data
> - it took >30 mins to execute the watershed filter ->Update(). my two input
> parameters for lowerThreshold and outputScalelevel are 0.002 and 0.2
> respectively.
> 2) I tried this time to run the exemple WatershedSegmentation2.exe
> - this program needs a 3D input file , so I use as proposed in the forum the
> brain data file (brainweb1e5a10f17.mha). this file dimension is 181x217x181.
> - the output is output.vtk and the other two input parameters are 0.01 and
> 0.15.
> - it s been running for >30 mins now while here I am writing in this forum
> (hahaha -I still can laugh but my supervisor seems pissed off with my work
> already)

Run your program in Release mode. My same comment about 100 times as
long in debug mode applies to itk as well as vtk.

> So it would be nice if those who have been working with ITK segmentation
> filters could share some informations regarding the computation time. Apart
> of Watershed filter, I am planning to use Model Deformable, Shape Detection
> and Threshold Level Segmentation filters.
> I am using Visual Studio (not using CMAKE) with mode Debug. My PC hardware
> configuration is Windows XP with 2.75GB of RAM.
> Thank you.
> Amir
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John M. Drescher

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