[Insight-users] Please help with ITK 4.2 on Windows Vista: Build Errors.
Constantine Zakkaroff
mnkz at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Jul 27 07:58:01 EDT 2012
Hi Brad,
I've had a closer look at CMakeCache.txt for the ITK-4.2.0 build and it
turned out there were a couple blank cache values, which I can't explain:
//CHECK_TYPE_SIZE: int unknown
//CHECK_TYPE_SIZE: long unknown
I decided to run CMake from scratch and this time (with the same
settings as before) those cache values in CMakeCache.txt appear to have
correct values:
//CHECK_TYPE_SIZE: sizeof(int)
//CHECK_TYPE_SIZE: sizeof(long)
So in this case the file <ITK-4.2.0 Build
Path>\Modules\ThirdParty\TIFF\src\itktiff\tif_config.h dig generate
correctly. Very strange, but maybe the first time there were some errors
during configuration I didn't spot. I've actually noticed a number of
times a bit of "indeterministic" behaviour during configuration and
especially build process on Windows (XP, Vista), when some tasks which
are run by VS as *.bat files fail occasionally, but when re-run they
complete just fine.
Regarding the other build errors I reported earlier, I'm recompiling
everything with patch suggested by Matt McCormick:
I'll report what transpires then.
Many thanks,
On 26/07/2012 13:42, Bradley Lowekamp wrote:
> Hello Constantine,
> We have several nightly build for Visual Studio 9 2008, with a few
> different configurations. For example here is one I run each night:
> http://open.cdash.org/buildSummary.php?buildid=2468166
> And this is it's configuration:
> http://open.cdash.org/viewNotes.php?buildid=2468166
> Are you running with SP1?
> What configuration options did you choose? Are you building 64-bits?
> Did you enable 64-bit IDS?
> Brad
> On Jul 26, 2012, at 7:55 AM, Constantine Zakkaroff wrote:
>> Hello ALL.
>> I've been trying to build ITK 4.2 on Win Vista with VS2008.
>> Then there were a couple errors, repeated a few times:
>> error C2665: 'itk::NumericTraits<T>::ZeroValue' : none of the 2
>> overloads could convert all the argument types
>> c:\workspace\insighttoolkit-4.2.0\modules\core\imagefunction\include\itkVectorMeanImageFunction.hxx
>> 90
>> error C2665: 'itk::NumericTraits<T>::GetLength' : none of the 2
>> overloads could convert all the argument types
>> c:\workspace\insighttoolkit-4.2.0\modules\core\imagefunction\include\itkVectorMeanImageFunction.hxx
>> 99
>> and
>> error C2668: 'fabs' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
>> c:\workspace\insighttoolkit-4.2.0\modules\filtering\distancemap\include\itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter.hxx
>> 383
>> error C2668: 'fabs' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
>> c:\workspace\insighttoolkit-4.2.0\modules\filtering\distancemap\include\itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter.hxx
>> 387
>> error C2668: 'fabs' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
>> I looked at the code and those weren't hard to fix. I corrected those
>> and they don't come up any more.
>> However itktiff project build fails because the file <ITK-4.2.0 Build
>> Path>\Modules\ThirdParty\TIFF\src\itktiff\tif_config.h doesn't get
>> generated correctly; type sizes don't get defined and remain blank.
>> For example:
>> 297: #define SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT
>> ...
>> 300: #define SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG
>> How do I go about fixing this? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Constantine
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> ========================================================
> Bradley Lowekamp
> Medical Science and Computing for
> Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
> National Library of Medicine
> blowekamp at mail.nih.gov <mailto:blowekamp at mail.nih.gov>
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