[Insight-users] How to Decode MultiFrame DICOM Image by Using ITK

Terran Wu Terran.Wu at semt.com.cn
Tue Mar 6 22:41:47 EST 2012

Hi All,

I am currently write a application that reading and display DICOM image on IPAD2. Now I am able to read and decode DICOM files that contain only one frame, here is the code(using ITK LIB and object-c) that decode one frame DICOM file on IPAD:

//assume that the size of image is 880*635

    int imageWidth = 880;

    int imageHeight = 635;

    NSString *dicomPath = [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingString:@"/"] stringByAppendingString:@"dicomfilename"];

    const char *c_dicomPath = [dicomPath UTF8String];

    typedef unsigned char InputPixelType;

    const unsigned int InputDimension = 2;

    typedef itk::Image< InputPixelType, InputDimension > InputImageType;

    typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader< InputImageType > ReaderType;

    ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();


    typedef itk::GDCMImageIO ImageIOType;

    ImageIOType::Pointer gdcmImageIO = ImageIOType::New();


    int frame_num = 1;

    InputPixelType *imageBuf = new InputPixelType[imageHeight*imageWidth*3*frame_num];




        printf("image size in bytes = %d\n", gdcmImageIO->GetImageSizeInBytes());

        printf("image size in pixel = %d\n", gdcmImageIO->GetImageSizeInPixels());

        printf("image size in Components = %d\n", gdcmImageIO->GetImageSizeInComponents());

        printf("pixel stride = %d\n", gdcmImageIO->GetPixelStride());

        printf("Dimensions = %d\n", gdcmImageIO->GetNumberOfDimensions());

        printf("file type = %d\n", gdcmImageIO->GetFileType());

        std::cout << "file type = " << gdcmImageIO->GetFileTypeAsString(gdcmImageIO->GetFileType()) << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Pixel type = " << gdcmImageIO->GetPixelTypeAsString(gdcmImageIO->GetPixelType()) << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Byte order = " << gdcmImageIO->GetByteOrderAsString(gdcmImageIO->GetByteOrder()) << std::endl;



    catch (itk::ExceptionObject & e)


        std::cerr << "exception in file reader " << std::endl; std::cerr << e << std::endl;



    //get dicom image

    memset(imageBuf, 0, sizeof(InputPixelType)*imageHeight*imageWidth*3*frame_num);

    gdcmImageIO->Read(imageBuf);//get decoded image data

    CGColorSpaceRef colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();

    CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(nil, imageBuf, imageWidth*imageHeight*3, nil);

    CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(imageWidth,//width


                                        8,//size_t bitsPerComponent,

                                        24,//size_t bitsPerPixel,

                                        imageWidth*sizeof(InputPixelType)*3,//size_t bytesPerRow,

                                        colorspace,//CGColorSpaceRef space,

                                        kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault,//CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo,

                                        provider,//CGDataProviderRef provider,

                                        nil,//const CGFloat *decode,

                                        NO,//bool shouldInterpolate,

                                        kCGRenderingIntentDefault//CGColorRenderingIntent intent


    UIImage *dicomImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imageRef scale:1.0 orientation:UIImageOrientationUp];//here is the decoded image

But I don't know how to decode and read a DICOM file that has MultiFrame, and how to get the decoded image data to display them on IPAD screen?

Can anybody help me on this issue?

 Thank you very much!

Best Regards
Terran Wu

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