[Insight-users] Problem using vtkImagePlaneWidget

Mathieu Stumpf mathieu.stumpf at etu.unistra.fr
Mon Mar 19 08:05:21 EDT 2012


I'm trying to write a simple software to visualize medical image with
SITK, VTK, and WxWidget.

As far as I can perceive, my problem is due to GetWholeExtent which
doesn't provide slice number for each axis in my picture, as I would
expect. Instead I get (0,-1) tuples.

Maybe I do others things in a wrong way, I don't know. May be
GetWholeExtent is not the method I should use.

My code is in a substantial part an object oriented rewriting of [1]
using Wx instead of Tkinter as widgets provider. As I'm a python
beginner, I may have made errors in this transcriptions too.

Other sources greatly inspired me on this work :
- http://www.siafoo.net/snippet/314?code=on&nolinenos
- Other codes which were privately sent to me by Antoine Grigis and
Kevin Keraudren (lot of thank to them).

I hope someone will be able to point me where I'm wrong in my
vtkImagePlaneWidget usage. I would also appreciate any feedback on the
code in a whole.

Thank for your attention,


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