[Insight-users] generating a vector Image

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Fri May 18 08:09:35 EDT 2012

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 5:46 AM, Hila Hiler <hilahiler at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to generate a vector image with the same dimensions and region
> as another image that I have.
> a RT error about itkSmartPoint/ memory failure are stopping me from get
> this vector image
> Here is my code, I really lost of ideas why it's happening here.
> Thanks in advance.
> my code:
> typedef double pixelType;
> typedef    itk::Image    < pixelType, myDimension >  ImageType;
> //vector Type
> typedef itk::VectorImage < pixelType, myDimension >  vectorImageType;
> vectorImageType::Pointer vectorImage = vectorImageType::New();
> ImageType::Pointer myItkImg;
> //...some manipulation on myItkImg (initializing and assigning data))
> 1) first try is:
>     itk::CastImageFilter<ImageType,vectorImageType>::Pointer caster =
> itk::CastImageFilter<ImageType,vectorImageType>::New();
>     //cast to vector img
>     caster->SetInput(myItkImg);
>     caster->Update();
>     vectorImage = caster->GetOutput();
>     vectorImage->SetVectorLength(vectorLength);
>     vectorImage->Allocate(); *//here the RT occurs*
> */*RT stop at this itk's internal code:*
>   void UnRegister()
>     {
>     if(m_Pointer) { m_Pointer->UnRegister(); }
>     }
> */
> 2) second try:
>     vectorImageType::SizeType size;
>     size[0]=myItkImg->GetDimension(0);
>     size[1]=myItkImg->GetDimension(1);
>     size[2]=myItkImg->GetDimension(2);
>     ImageType::SpacingType img_spacing= myItkImg->GetSpacing();
>     vectorImageType::SpacingType vec_spacing;
>     vec_spacing[0]= img_spacing[0];
>     vec_spacing[1]= img_spacing[1];
>     vec_spacing[2]= img_spacing[2];
>     vectorImageType::IndexType start;
>     start.Fill(0);
>     vectorImageType::RegionType region(start,size);
>     vectorImage->SetSpacing(vec_spacing);
>     vectorImage->SetRegions(region);
>     vectorImage->SetVectorLength(vectorLength);
>     vectorImage->Allocate(); *//here the RT occurs*
> /*
> *RT stop at this itk's internal code:*
>   itkDebugMacro (<< "Setting imageIO IORegion to: " << m_ActualIORegion );
>   m_ImageIO->SetIORegion( m_ActualIORegion );
> */

Please make compilable examples. It is only a few more lines to produce
some dummy data and include the necessary headers. The idea is that then we
can copy/paste/compile and see the error.

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