[Insight-users] Region of interest image filter

Pietro Nardelli pie.nardelli at gmail.com
Fri May 18 11:38:37 EDT 2012

Yes thank you very much! I hadn't specified "itk::Index<3> start" and
"itk::Size<3> size" before setting the values.

Thanks again,


2012/5/18 David Doria <daviddoria at gmail.com>:
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Pietro Nardelli
> <pie.nardelli at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to apply the Region of Interest Image Filter to a DICOM
>> dataset and I'm following the example on the ITK's Guide. I have a
>> problem though: since I want to select a volume of interest, how has
>> the third dimension to be chosen?My plan is to allow the user to
>> select the dimensions.
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Pietro
> The RegionOfInterestImageFilter lets you specify a region:
>  filter->SetRegionOfInterest(desiredRegion);
> You just have to construct that region to define a 3D region:
>  // The corner of the region
>  itk::Index<3> start;
>  start[0] = ...;
>  start[1] = ...;
>  start[2] = ...;
>  // The size of the region
>  itk::Size<3> size;
>  size[0] = ...;
>  size[1] = ...;
>  size[2] = ...;
>  itk::ImageRegion<3> desiredRegion(start,size);
> Did I understand your question correctly?
> David

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