[Insight-users] trouble with InsightApplications-4.1.1

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Thu May 24 13:18:52 EDT 2012

Building the ITKApps is tricky. I suggest, as a starting point you use
the ITKApp as described here:

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Luke Hetrick <lhetrick at nnu.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
>     I am working on a project that requires ITK software so I have begun to
> install all the bit and pieces to get it up and running. I have CMake-2.8.7
> and have already successfully installed dcmtk and FLTK to my knowledge. I
> have also installed VTK and the InsightToolkit from the kitware website
> always making sure to grab the latest versions. Now I am trying to build
> this last InsightApplications and I am getting errors in the "make" process.
> After running tar -zxvf on the tared/zipped tarball, I have ran the
> following commands:
> mkdir Bin
> cd Bin
> ccmake .. (at this step I instructed it where my Python.h file is and where
> various dcmtk include files were located)
> make
> at the final step there, I am getting to about 70% then I throw this error.
> InsightApplications-4.1.1/Bin/DigitalArchive/FlDicomQueryChooser/flqcPreferencesGUI.cxx:3:0:
> ~/Project/InsightApplications-4.1.1/Bin/DigitalArchive/FlDicomQueryChooser/fldqcPreferecnesGUI.h:8:32:
> fatal error: FL/fl_file_chooser.H: No such file or directory
> compilation terminated.
> Does anyone have any idea why it is throwing this error? I have tried to
> follow the documentation pages for each of the other software needed to
> compile this as well but I am running out of ideas to try.
> Luke H
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Unpaid intern in BillsBasement at noware dot com

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