[Insight-users] ITKBarCamp on youku(优酷) for Chinese Community Members

Xiaoxiao Liu xiaoxiao.liu at kitware.com
Fri Oct 12 14:46:09 EDT 2012

Hi All,

For those who can not access YouTube from mainland China,
our* ITKBarCamp tutorial videos* are uploaded to *youku.com*:
       http://u.youku.com/ITKBarCamp <http://u.youku.com/ITKBarCamp>

The corresponding ITKBarCamp  tutorial text material can be found at :

We will sync up the tutorial videos  between the youtube and youku channels
every week if not everyday.

Please let me know if you see  problems or have suggestions.

-ITKBarCamp Team

Xiaoxiao Liu, Ph.D.
R & D Engineer
Kitware Inc.
Clifton Park, NY
Phone: (518) 881-4924  or  (518) 371-3971 x124
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