[Insight-users] Multimodality Image Fusion.

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 01:56:52 EDT 2012

Hi Ashwath,

You should give the fixed image and moving image (with transform
applied). That is, BrainProtonDensitySliceBorder20.png and


Cheers, Dan

On 17 October 2012 16:24, Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech <Ashwathh at hcl.com> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I executed the example"ImageRegistration1.cxx".
> Its input's and outputs are as shown below.
> //    INPUTS: {BrainProtonDensitySliceBorder20.png}
> //    INPUTS: {BrainProtonDensitySliceShifted13x17y.png}
> //    OUTPUTS: {ImageRegistration1Output.png}
> //    OUTPUTS: {ImageRegistration1DifferenceAfter.png}
> //    OUTPUTS: {ImageRegistration1DifferenceBefore.png}
> Instead of the above two inputs ,I gave the inputs as CT.png and MRI.png.
> And I got the following three ouputs:
> //    OUTPUTS: {ImageRegistration1Output.png}
> //    OUTPUTS: {ImageRegistration1DifferenceAfter.png}
> //    OUTPUTS: {ImageRegistration1DifferenceBefore.png}
> After registration, which two images I should give as inputs to  itkAddImageFilter for fusing.
> Please guide me on this.
> Thanking you in advance,
> Regards,
> Ashwath.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Mueller [mailto:dan.muel at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:03 AM
> To: Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech
> Cc: Insight Users
> Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Multimodality Image Fusion.
> Hi Ashwath,
> You should do the following:
> Step 1: Download and build ITK
> http://www.itk.org/ITK/resources/software.html
> http://www.itk.org/ITK/help/tutorials.html
> Step 2: Read the ITK Software Guide, especially chapter 8 http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
> Step 3: Build and play with a registration example, for example ImageRegistration2.cxx http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration2.cxx?root=Insight&view=markup
> Step 4: Decide how you want to fuse the images http://www.imagefusion.org/publications/reports/piella-TR-PNA-R0211.pdf
> The simplest way to fuse them is arithmetic addition using the itkAddImageFilter http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1AddImageFilter.html
> Cheers, Dan
> On 16 October 2012 23:33, Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech <Ashwathh at hcl.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> Thanks for the reply. I had one doubt.
>> How should I start with image fusion of two images(CT and MRI) using ITK.
>> Please guide me on this.
>> Thanking you in advance.
>> Ashwath
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dan Mueller [mailto:dan.muel at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 1:30 AM
>> To: Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech
>> Cc: Insight Users
>> Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Multimodality Image Fusion.
>> Hi Ashwath,
>> Thank you for further explaining your objective -- this makes it easier for the mailing list to offer you advice.
>> The steps you suggest seem correct. The only advice I may offer is that with the ITK registration framework, registration and resampling are one and the same step (i.e. the output of the registration process is a resampled moving image):
>> 1. Registration and resampling
>> 2. Image fusion
>> 3. Fused image display
>> You are correct that ITK can perform 1 and 2, and VTK (plus a chosen GUI framework, like QT) can perform 3.
>> For step one, please read the ITK Software Guide (chapter 8, pages 315-501):
>>     http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
>> Also, you can find many relevant registration examples with the ITK source code or on the wiki:
>>     http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/Included/Registration
>> For step two, you have many options. The following links may help:
>>     http://www.imagefusion.org/
>>     http://www.imagefusion.org/publications/reports/piella-TR-PNA-R0211.pdf
>>     http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/103
>> For step three, you can find some examples here:
>>     http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Examples/GUI/Qt/
>>     http://www.thihaoo.com/eng/?p=45
>> Hope this helps.
>> Regards, Dan
>> On 15 October 2012 20:17, Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech <Ashwathh at hcl.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>> I am very new to image fusion understanding.
>>> I will let you know briefly what my objective is:
>>> I have a CT and MRI image of the same organ.
>>> I want to fuse them and produce a new image which can show the soft tissues of MRI scan as well as bones structure of CT scan.
>>> I am not aware of different methods of fusion.Please let me know different methods of image fusion if  you are aware.
>>> I read in a article in internet that following are the steps for image fusion:
>>> 1.)Image registration
>>> 2.)Image resampling
>>> 3.)Image fusion by pixel averaging
>>> 4.)Fused image display
>>> Did I miss something. please let me know.
>>> I believe that first 3 steps I can do in ITK and 4th step in VTK.
>>> Am I  right about this.Please let me know.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ashwath
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Dan Mueller [mailto:dan.muel at gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 3:20 AM
>>> To: Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech
>>> Cc: Insight Users
>>> Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Multimodality Image Fusion.
>>> Hi Ashwath,
>>> (I have re-added the ITK mailing list to cc as this is good
>>> practice.)
>>> I guess it depends on what you mean by "fusion". Can you please explain exactly what you mean by this term?
>>> The Insight Journal article I pointed you to is 100% ITK. As the article explains, it implements multi-resolution fusion of multi-modal images.
>>> Perhaps you interested in overlay fusion methods, such as those in the VV fusion viewer:
>>>     http://www.midasjournal.org/browse/publication/617
>>> VV fusion viewer is a ITK + VTK + QT application which you may give some ideas on how to get started building your own app.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Regards, Dan
>>> On 12 October 2012 20:17, Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech <Ashwathh at hcl.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>> Thanks for your suggestion.But I want to develop a Multimodality Image Fusion application using ITK,VTK and QT only.
>>>> Could you please give me the steps for image fusion.
>>>> It would be a great help to me.
>>>> Thanking you in advance,
>>>> Ashwath.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: insight-users-bounces at itk.org
>>>> [mailto:insight-users-bounces at itk.org] On Behalf Of Dan Mueller
>>>> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 11:56 AM
>>>> To: Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech
>>>> Cc: insight-users at itk.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Multimodality Image Fusion.
>>>> Hi Ashwath,
>>>> You might be interested in the "Generalised Image Fusion Toolkit"
>>>> (GIFT) which was submitted to the Insight Journal some years back:
>>>>    http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/103
>>>> I'm not sure it will compile out-of-the-box with the latest ITK, but only minimal changes would be required if not.
>>>> If you are interested in the registration (i.e. spatial alignment) of such images before actual fusion, then please consult the Insight Software Guide "Registration" section:
>>>>     http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
>>>> HTH
>>>> Cheers, Dan
>>>> On 12 October 2012 15:47, Ashwath Hegde, ERS-HCLTech <Ashwathh at hcl.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> Please let me know if there is example on Multimodality Image
>>>>> Fusion(fusing CT and MRI images) in ITK.
>>>>> Your help would be highly appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ashwath.
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