[Insight-users] Estimate a sphere

Boris Kabar Boris.Kabar at mines-ales.fr
Tue Oct 23 08:22:15 EDT 2012

Hi Fabian,

I needed  a similar code to estimate circles from 2D points.
I found a code in the Insight Journal for estimating parameter values from
points using RANSAC/LS algorithms.
The authors propose two examples to fit planes and hyperspheres respectively
(working in N dimensions).
The corresponding URL:

Hope these will help,

PhD. student
Lab: ISR/LGEI, Ecole des Mines d’Alès
Team: Industrial and Natural Risks
Adress: 6, Avenue de Clavières - 30319 Alès - France
Phone: +33 (0) 4 66 78 27 54 
Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 78 27 01
@: boris.kabar at mines-ales.fr

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