[Insight-users] I am learning GeodesicActiveContourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter , but have some problem about the parameters , Please help me

zhq 15891495523 at 126.com
Fri Aug 9 21:14:51 EDT 2013

Hi , 
     I am learning GeodesicActiveContourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter , I have the book :ItkSoftwareGuide , but I still have some problem about this algorithm . 
    1.  What's the "initialDistance" means ? And how does it affect the algorithm ?
    2.  What's the "numberOfPCAModes" means ? How to set it ?
    3. This algorithm has a class : meanShapeReader , how to set the read path ? What should the file be ?
    4. There is a statement : fileNamesCreator->SetSeriesFormat( argv[15] );   What should the parameter be?
    5. Also a statement : parameters[numberOfPCAModes + 1] = atof( argv[16] ); What should the parameter be?
    And in the folder Example/Segmentation , there is a file : GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter.cxx . Does it also a example for Active Contour ? Can I use it to segment a picture ? 
    Could somebody please help me ? Thank you in advance !
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