[Insight-users] TiffIO strange behaviour
Ivan Kubarev
Ivan.Kubarev at materialise.kiev.ua
Wed Aug 21 06:51:00 EDT 2013
Hello everyone,
It seems that I found bug in RGBA tiff image handling.
I'm trying to load RGBA tiff image and save it using following code:
typedef itk::Image<uint16_t> ImageType;
auto reader = itk::ImageFileReader<ImageType>::New();
auto writer = itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType>::New();
but resulting tifcheck.tif image is just black rectangle.
During bug investigation I've found that itkTiffIO handles alpha value in a strange way:
1) itkTIFFImageIO.cxx: int TIFFImageIO::EvaluateImageAt(void *out, void *in)
case TIFFImageIO::RGB_:
red = *( source );
green = *( source + 1 );
blue = *( source + 2 );
*( image ) = red;
*( image + 1 ) = green;
*( image + 2 ) = blue;
if ( m_InternalImage->m_SamplesPerPixel == 4 )
alpha = *( source + 3 ); // 255 in my example
*( image + 3 ) = 255 - alpha; // 0
2) After reading it ImageReader converts rgba values to CIE luminance(itkConvertPixelBuffer.txx):
::ConvertRGBAToGray(InputPixelType* inputData,
OutputPixelType* outputData , size_t size)
// this is an ugly implementation of the simple equation
// greval = (.2125 * red + .7154 * green + .0721 * blue) / alpha
double tempval =
((2125.0 * static_cast< double >( * inputData)
+ 7154.0 * static_cast< double >( *( inputData + 1 ))
+ 0721.0 * static_cast< double >( *( inputData + 2 ))) / 10000.0)
* static_cast< double >(*( inputData + 3)) // 0!!
/ maxAlpha;
inputData += 4;
OutputComponentType val = static_cast< OutputComponentType >( tempval );
OutputConvertTraits::SetNthComponent(0, *outputData++, val);
So, as the result, I get fully black picture.
After patching TiffIO class, by changing 255 - alpha to alpha; code example listed above works fine for me.
So here is my question: is it really bug, or I'm doing something wrong?
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