[Insight-users] ITK and C++\CLI

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 01:26:49 EST 2013

Hi Anthony,

> So, does a simple solution exist?

There are a number of options available to you.

1. Use the SimpleITK C# (.NET) wrappers:

Although the wrappers are called C#, it is a .NET assembly which can
be used directly from C++\CLI.

An example would be:
// =========================
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <SimpleITKCSharpManaged.dll> // Location specified using /AI switch
using namespace System;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    auto image = itk::simple::SimpleITK::ReadImage("C:/Temp/cthead1.png");
    return 0;
// =========================

2. It is possible to compile to ITK with the /clr switch. There are
some instructions on a really old thread here:

The discontinued ManagedITK provided a .NET wrapper around ITK using
C++\CLI. The source code may give you some inspiration for correctly
setting up your Visual Studio project:

Essentially, ManagedITK used CMake to generate a normal C++ vcproj
file, and then ran the "ConfigureProject" utility to automagically
hack the vcproj file to compile ITK with /clr:

3. You could use P/Invoke to access a pure unmanaged C++ DLL which
encapsulates all your ITK functionality from the managed C++/CLI
environment. A step-by-step guide can be found here:

I hope one of these options suits your purposes.

Cheers, Dan

On 20 February 2013 15:17, Anthony Baker <anthony.ww.baker at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to use ITK on an existing project and am interested in the
> simplest path to success.  I am using c++\cli in visual studio.  I have
> incorporated OpenCV and GDAL into the project and have many classes and win
> form windows incorporated.
> I thought (naively) that I could treat ITK in a similar way to OpenCV.  I
> compiled openCV into a set of dlls.  I then compiled my project with the
> includes and linked against the .libs and finally included the opencv dlls
> with my final deployment exe.
> I tried this method with ITK but it didn't work.  I was able to compile and
> link by added the right headers and .lib files but when I ran the project it
> immediately failed with some sort of load errors.  To show how simple I
> started, I only included a single header file to my existing project.
> I thought maybe if I compiled the ITK project as CLR things would be better.
> The upshot of that is that I was never able to even compile in that mode due
> to the .c files not compiling as c++ (I tried with every effort from the
> cmake side to make that happen including trying to change the cmake code -
> ha).
> So, does a simple solution exist?  Can someone provide an example that
> works?
> Please help with my, now, obsession to make this work!
> Many Thanks,
> Anthony
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