[Insight-users] [Announcement] SimpleITK 0.6.0 Release Candidate 1
Bradley Lowekamp
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Mon Jan 7 13:57:06 EST 2013
We are happy to announce the SimpleITK 0.6 Release Candidate 1.
For this release candidate binary built eggs are available for select version of Python. To installed the correct egg needs to be manually downloaded for Source Forge:
The egg should be installed with easy_install.
The release candidate is available as a tag in the git repository. To obtain the source code:
git clone --recursive http://itk.org/SimpleITK.git
cd SimpleITK
More information on building SimpleITK can be found here:
The current Doxygen is available here:
Notable improvement:
* Basic support for Transformation
* Interpolator support in Resample filter and others.
* Over 250 ImageFilters wrapped.
* Binary filter support for comparative operators
* Support for generating DICOM filename series
* And Many more!
Python improvement:
* Compatibility with Python 3+
* multi-dimensional sliced indexing
* improved numpy conversion for RGB images
* overloaded comparative operators ( makes thresholding and label selection very easy )
Important notes on incompatibilities:
1) The class name for image source filters has changed. Before this class of filters ended in "SourceImageFilter", now it matches ITK. For example SimpleITK class was GaborSourceImageFilter, is now GaborImageSource (just like ITK). The procedure name is still "GaborSource".
2) Python keywords names changed. Previously, they were of the format "inVariableName" is now the more pythonic "variableName" For example:
The signature changed from:
SmoothingRecursiveGaussian(Image image1, double inSigma=1.0, bool inNormalizeAcrossScale=False)
SmoothingRecursiveGaussian(Image image1, double sigma=1.0, bool normalizeAcrossScale=False)
3) Binary operator filters now can take a constant as an first or second arguments, instead of images. This replaces variety for "Constant" filters.
Bradley Lowekamp
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