[Insight-users] [ANNOUNCEMENT] ITK 4.3 has been released!

Alessandro notinmyhead at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 11:16:07 EST 2013


I refer to this email (dated 10/23/2012):

Il giorno 23/ott/2012, alle ore 13.33, kosborn ha scritto:

> Instead of trying to bypass the bug, a better solution is to fix it as
> someone else pointed out in an earlier thread.  Edit the file 
> InsightToolkit-4.2.1/Modules/ThirdParty/GDCM/src/gdcm/Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSerieHelper.cxx
> and change the SetUseSeriesDetails method to 
>    void SerieHelper::SetUseSeriesDetails( bool useSeriesDetails )
>    {
>          //UseSeriesDetails = useSeriesDetails;
>          m_UseSeriesDetails = useSeriesDetails;
>    }
> and rebuild ITK. Then the AddSeriesRestriction method of GDCMSeriesFileNames
> works as it should. In my case
>        itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames::Pointer nameGenerator =
> itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames::New();
>        nameGenerator->SetLoadSequences(true);
>        nameGenerator->SetLoadPrivateTags(true);
>        nameGenerator->SetUseSeriesDetails(true);
>        nameGenerator->AddSeriesRestriction("0019|100c");
>        nameGenerator->SetDirectory("path/to/dicom/files");
>        itk::SerieUIDContainer uids = nameGenerator->GetSeriesUIDs();
> gives me as many series uids are there are b-values, using 0019|100c as the
> private Siemens tag for b-values. 
> Good luck, Kevin

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