[Insight-users] Resampling: defining the output size at 'runtime' (Update-time) relative to the input size

Vaaksiainen vaaksiainen at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 10:10:19 EDT 2013

Hi folks,

itk::ResampleImageFilter requires size being set before Update() so far
that I've understood it.

That being said, I'd wish to implement resize image filter (derivative for
before mentioned) which samples the image based on scaling parameter
relative to its input size e.g.

newWidth = scaling * oldWidth

which I figure out at GenerateData() and yet, I'd wish to be able to put
this filter in the pipeline not knowing the size of the input image, e.g.

Reader -> Filter#1 -> ResampleImageFilterEx -> Filter#2 -> Writer

How PropagateRequestedRegion() works and how its implemented in
itk::ResampleImageFilter I'm not sure if I can do this at all.

Please, any advice?

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