[Insight-users] ITK, Random Forests, and OpenCV

Becksfort, Jared Jared.Becksfort at STJUDE.ORG
Thu Oct 17 18:42:10 EDT 2013


Wow, you'd think I might have googled "convert itk to opencv" at least once in the several hours I looked into this.  The bridge is on the first page of the results.  I guess I spent all my time looking at comparisons between ITK and OpenCV rather than conversions.

Thanks for the help.  I'll see what I can do with it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt McCormick [mailto:matt.mccormick at kitware.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 5:22 PM
To: Becksfort, Jared
Cc: Insight Users
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] ITK, Random Forests, and OpenCV

Hi Jared,

There is a bridge [1] to/from ITK and OpenCV.

I understand your frustration of articles without code!  If you get something going, please consider submitting it to the Insight Journal [2].


[1] http://itk.org/ITKExamples/src/Video/BridgeOpenCV/ConvertAnITKGrayScaleImageToCVMat/Documentation.html?highlight=opencv
[2] http://insight-journal.org/

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Becksfort, Jared <Jared.Becksfort at stjude.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use random forests on medical images.  I am converting a Java Weka program I wrote to C++.  I want to use ITK for its medical imaging tools and file format support, but it doesn't seem like there is a random forest package in ITK.  Am I wrong?
> If there is not a random forest package, I had planned to use the machine learning component of OpenCV, but it does not support the file types I have to support, such as nii, dicom, and mhd/mha and isn't really designed for medical imaging.  It also seems like I am making it much more difficult than I need to.  I have seen papers published that used ITK with random forests, but the code is not available.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for using a random forest package with or within ITK?  Or using OpenCV for medical images (yes, I know I should ask that on the OpenCV mailing list)?
> Thanks,
> Jared
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