[Insight-users] read in tiff images by using ItkImageFileReader

Jon Haitz Legarreta jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org
Mon Oct 28 03:27:21 EDT 2013

Hi there,
you may have a look at the following thread:

Looks as if it were a private data tag. Don't know whether the feature
request was opened or could be solved (apparently not).


On 25 October 2013 11:13, shiwei <swingsw89 at 163.com> wrote:

> Hi,all
>        I'm using the ItkImageFileReader to read in a series of 2D Tiff
> images, however, when I  debug the code, the cmd window shows a warning as
> below:
> And I wonder why this warning came out and how to improve it?
>        Also, when reading and writing the images with ITK, the speed is
> rather slow when compare to the Matlab, Is there any ways we can improve
> the speed of reading and writing images in Itk? Thank you!
> shiwei
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