[Insight-users] [ITK Community] registration using Mutual Information

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Jan 11 12:36:03 EST 2014


It is not trivial to evaluate the quality of a registration process.

In practice,
you want to pick a criterion that is meaningful for your application.

For example,

Extracting surfaces and doing ICP, would be useful if the surfaces
of the anatomical structure are important for your application.

In some applications we care more about the internal structures than
about the surfaces.

In some applications you may be more interested in the quality
of the registration on the brain of the subject than or the neck,
(or the other way around, if you were planning a neck surgery...).

The overall recipe is to pick what could have been a good metric
for another registration process, and use this to evaluate the final
result of your initial registration.

Note that ITK has a set of classes for estimating distances between
surfaces, that have been used for evaluating either segmentations
or registrations.


You will find some articles on this topic as well in the Insight Journal:

For example:




On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1:54 AM, Massinissa Bandou <
Massinissa.Bandou at usherbrooke.ca> wrote:

> Hi  Luis Ibanez,
> Sorry for late reply, I performed a landmark transform (ladmarks are
> extracted with boxWidget) followed with a mutual information registration
> to
> optimize the result. I multiplied the matrix obtained from the 3D mutual
> information with one obtained from landmarks transform. As you can see,
> visually, the result seems good but *how I can be sure that my registration
> is good or not*? for example I had to perform a surface registration using
> ICP algorithm and I use to display a graph of the mean distance according
> to
> the number of iteration.
> <http://itk-users.7.n7.nabble.com/file/n33163/PET_CT_Result.png>
> I'd appreciate your help!
> Massi
> --
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