[ITK-users] [ITK] help- find position of seed-levelset segmentation/connected treshold

Sindhoor Bhat bhatsindhoor at ymail.com
Sat Jun 7 07:09:37 EDT 2014

Dear Matt/itk users,
Now I'm able to pick world coordinates using vtk point picker widget. 
But for seed input to itk, we need index.  I'm really struck. can you pls help me how to move further? using itk-vtk interaction for seed selection?

Also, to call vtk window for point selection which command should i use? (is it call-back function in vtk? But from itk how to call ?)

thank you

On Friday, 6 June 2014 6:04 PM, Matt McCormick <matt.mccormick at kitware.com> wrote:

Hi Sindhoor,

In your previous mail, you described taking sub-regions, which changes
index positions.  To sample a value from a physical position, use an

The apparent flip may be due to a difference in the direction and
location of the Y-axis in your visualization programs.

Hope this helps,

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:03 AM, Sindhoor Bhat <bhatsindhoor at ymail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Matt for your suggestion.
> *But I've tried with that too. It is not considering the index/seed position
> that I write in program.
> When I  added   below code to get selected seed position, it shows
> completely different point than what I had written(using image J --->
> physical coordinates )
>                std::cout <<  filter->GetOutput()->GetPixel( Position1 ) <<
> std::endl;
> *seed point doesn't appear between selected thresholds ( say: (85,300) &
> seep position will be like 45 etc)
> *Also, I should mention that my dicom images appear in reverse order(
> flipped). Is this affecting my seed selection?
>        (I tried subtracting Y coordinate from maxY etc.)
> Can you pls tell what is wrong? thank you.
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