[ITK-users] Working with RIRE Datasets

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Wed Apr 1 11:59:55 EDT 2015

Hi Gabriel,

> Hi! how are you?

Doing great!  Thanks for asking questions on the list. :-)

> I'm trying to use RIRE datasets..., for example:
> In the RIRE terminology we say "From CT to MR", this means that the "moving
> image" is the CT image and the fixed image is the MR image. Then, I need a
> transformation "T"  to apply to the CT test points for the comparison with
> the "ground truth"...I'm not wrong about this?

Usually, a transformation "From CT to MR" implies that CT is the Fixed
Image and MR is the Moving Image in ITK terminology.

> But my problem is that the ITK provides a transformation that maps poins of
> the fixed (MR) image on the moving image (CT) , I guess I need to get the
> inverse transformation...is that possible? I'm misunderstanding something?

Yes, you can easily get an inverse for a transform with the GetInverse
[1] method.


[1] http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1Transform.html#aec45529ed771515f684b96c5bbff6fc6

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