[ITK-users] RT Structure Files Have Negative Indexes

Becksfort, Jared Jared.Becksfort at STJUDE.ORG
Mon Dec 14 01:48:33 EST 2015


I am trying to extract RT structure files into Niftii maps using the program found at http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/887.

I have compiled it, and it runs successfully with the test data, yielding correct masks.  I then tried to run it on data given to me by a colleague.  The output shows there are some negative slice indexes such as:

Inserting region with 551 points into slice: -122

It also complains about contour points being outside the boundary, probably due to the negative indexes.

I am attaching the output.  I am not completely sure I can attach the RT file yet, as it is actual patient data.  I can find out and do so if that helps.  I don't know anything about RT structure files yet.  Does anyone have ideas of what I can tell my colleague who generated the files?



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